MOGAI symbol

let's talk about:
mogai-archive, mogai, & xenogenders

What's a xenogender? Why is everything a gender now? Are xenogenders only for ND people? Isn't MOGAI bad??
A Carrd with sources.
There are genuine criticisms of MOGAI, but more often than not, the acronym is used online as a negative adjective to refer to identities that one doesn't consider 'valid enough' to count as nonbinary. This carrd is intended to list some common misconceptions and talk about MOGAI history.

I. Basic definitions

Let's start with some context.

Transgender: An umbrella term covering all gender identities or expressions that transgress or transcend society’s rules and concepts of gender. To be trans means to identify as a gender other than the gender one was assigned at birth. The category of transgender includes people who have the binary gender identities of female (transgender women) or male (transgender men). The transgender umbrella includes people with nonbinary gender identities. However, some nonbinary people may not call themselves transgender.
Nonbinary: Any gender identity which does not fit within the binary of male and female. A nonbinary person's gender may include ties to or portions of male or female, but someone counts as nonbinary as long as they're not 100% only of either.

Transgender pride flag (1999)
Nonbinary pride flag (2014)
MOGAI Pride Flag

I've been on Tumblr since 2014, so I personally saw the development and popularity of MOGAI as a term.

In (approximately) 2015, Tumblr user cisphobeofficial coined the term MOGAI. This is an acronym that stands for Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments and Intersex (sometimes edited to be MOGII: Marginalized Orientations, Gender Identities, and Intersex). The intention was to coin a simpler acronym for people who aren't straight/cis/perisex which could be used instead of longer acronyms like LGBTQIAP+ or acronyms with harmful origins like GSM/GSRM.

Common Anti-MOGAI Stances